See sub navigation
- 5.1 Financial Review
- 5.2 Consolidated Financial Statements
5.3 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
- 5.3.1 Highlights
- 5.3.2 Operating Segments
- 5.3.3 Geographical Information and Reliance on Major Customers
- 5.3.4 Other Operating Income and Expense
- 5.3.5 Expenses by Nature
- 5.3.6 Employee Benefit Expenses
- 5.3.7 Net Financing Costs
- 5.3.8 Research and Development Expenses
- 5.3.9 Income Tax
- 5.3.10 Earnings / (Loss) per share
- 5.3.11 Dividends paid and proposed
- 5.3.12 Property, Plant and Equipment
- 5.3.13 Intangible Assets
- 5.3.14 Finance Lease Receivables
- 5.3.15 Other financial assets
- 5.3.16 Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities
- 5.3.17 Inventories
- 5.3.18 Trade and Other Receivables
- 5.3.19 Construction Work-in-progress
- 5.3.20 Derivative Financial Instruments
- 5.3.21 Net cash and cash equivalent
- 5.3.22 Assets Held For Sale
- 5.3.23 Equity Attributable to Shareholders
- 5.3.24 Loans and Borrowings
- 5.3.25 Deferred Income
- 5.3.26 Provisions
- 5.3.27 Trade and Other Payables
- 5.3.28 Commitments and Contingencies
- 5.3.29 Financial Instruments − Fair Values and Risk Management
- 5.3.30 List of Group Companies
- 5.3.31 Interest in Joint Ventures and Associates
- 5.3.32 Information on non-controlling interests
- 5.3.33 Related Party Transactions
- 5.3.34 Auditor’s Fees and Services
- 5.3.35 Events after the Balance Sheet Date
- 5.4 Company Financial Statements
- 5.5 Notes to the Company Financial Statements
- 5.6 Other information
- 5.7 Key Figures
5.3.30List of Group Companies
In accordance with legal requirements a list of the Company’s entities which are included in the consolidated financial statements of SBM Offshore N.V. has been deposited at the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam.