2.5.1CO2 Challenge
A competition was designed to address the issue of climate change, while leveraging expertise to create a competitive edge. Starting in 2015, SBM Offshore tested the creative talents of its engineers by asking them to propose innovative solutions to reduce CO2 emissions offshore. Five teams of young entrepreneurial employees from around the world found intelligent solutions to reduce CO2, while increasing operational efficiency on SBM Offshore’s FPSOs and MOPU.
In 2016 the teams came together to share and pitch the top ideas to the jury. The winning solution, a special Flare Management System was adopted and installed offshore in December 2016 as a pilot, with the intention of expanding it to the rest of the fleet in the future. The winning team engaged with offshore crews to find the innovative solution to reduce emissions, while also increasing awareness for the issue of flaring and climate change. The pilot project also reports on the cause, source and remedy of environmental incidents on a daily basis with the objective to manage and reduce emission levels. Feedback from this pilot provides valuable information for the development of the HSSE and Sustainability Dashboard, which is part of the Group’s Digitization project (see section 2.3.2 Fleet).
CO2 Challenge Findings
- Recommendations from the CO2 Challenge to improve reporting of GHG emissions, by means of introducing actual gas density to calculate actual GHG emission levels, have been implemented; the result is more accurate reporting (see section 6.1.7 Environmental Reporting).
- Solutions and ideas that were not part of the winning solutions have been captured for action and follow up. Improvements on offshore operations are managed on the FPSO directly with onshore support. Other ideas have been shared with SBM Offshore’s R&D program.
The next step is to reduce energy consumption offshore, which is being addressed as part of the Digitization project. By making energy generation and consumption on the units visible, implementation of energy efficient solutions will be faciliated.
CO2 Reduction extended to onshore
Following the success of the CO2 Challenge, an onshore version was created, the CO2 Office Challenge. It follows a similar concept, challenges the creativity and ingenuity of the staff to find innovative solutions on how to reduce emissions and waste in our offices and shorebases. Teams from around the world competed with each other and the best solutions will be shared and applied Company-wide.