2.6Operational Excellence
Management Approach
Group Execution Functions are organized to support operational and assurance functions with the goal of achieving operational excellence in all areas of our business, in what SBM Offshore considers to be a ‘Journey to Excellence’ going forward.
SBM Offshore created a Group Operational Excellence department dedicated to the maintenance and continuous improvement of the Company’s Global Enterprise Management System (GEMS) and the implementation and monitoring of key improvement initiatives notably to:
- Adopt best practice through the application of the ISRS™ (see section 2.6.2) and Process Safety Management frameworks
- Strengthen the Company’s incident reporting and investigation methodologies and tools to expand the scope beyond the remits of Health & Safety and Assets Integrity activities
- Enhance existing Management of Change processes and provide more efficient functionality through provision of a globally accessible database
- Develop and deploy a revised lessons learnt process and application to ensure that lessons are embedded in our ways of working
For more information on Operational Governance, please refer to 3.9.1.
2016 performance
Key achievements
- Finalization of the transition of all 20 of the Executive, Core and Support processes into GEMS.
- Development of GEMS Role Assignment and Workflow tools to enhance user acceptance and improvement of efficiencies
- Support of existing strategic governance through implementation of an ‘Operational Excellence Governance Model’ to address business ownership, change control and investment decision making structures for GEMS processes, data-sets, information and applications
- Continuation of the deployment of the ISRS plan with all GEMS Process Owners and Business Owners
- Launch of the Incident Management Committee to increase assurance on the Incident Management Process
- Development of a revised life cycle Incident Management process and supporting tool
- Standardization of methodology and training of key personnel in robust Root Cause Analysis
- Development of revised Management of Change processes and tool for the ‘Execute’ life cycle phase
The following objectives have been set for 2017:
- Deploy GEMS Role Assignment and Workflow tools
- Further integrate legacy Operations Management System documentation into GEMS
- Process Safety Management strategy and targets as highlighted in Section 2.6.1
- Continuation of the deployment of the ISRS plan with all GEMS Process Owners and Business Owners
- Continued development and deployment of the revised Management of Change processes and tools
- Develop and deliver an enhanced ‘Lessons Learnt’ tool to support a revised process
- Deployment of revised Incident Management and MoC tools developed in 2016